Ron Insana | Expert Economic Analyst

  • New York City, New York, United States
  • Fees: On Request
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Ron Insana is a contributor to CNBC and MSNBC, where he discusses the most pressing economic and market issues of the day.

He also delivers The Market Scoreboard Report to radio stations around the country. He has written for Money magazine and USA Today and has hosted two nationally syndicated radio programs.

In addition to his work as a business journalist, Insana was the CEO of Insana Capital Partners, from 2006-2008, which, at its peak, managed the $125 million Insana Capital Partners “Legends Fund”.

For nearly three decades, Ron Insana has been a highly respected business journalist and money manager, who began his career at the Financial News Network in 1984 and joined CNBC when FNN and CNBC merged in 1991.

Ron Insana | Expert Economic Analyst

Insana is well-known for his high-profile interviews, which included Presidents Clinton and Bush; billionaire investors Warren Buffett, George Soros and Julian Robertson, among others: captains of industry from Bill Gates to Jack Welch and to the late Steve Jobs, top economists, analysts and global heads of state, from Former Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, to Jordan’s current Queen, Rania.

Insana was named one of the “Top 100 Business News Journalists of the 20th Century” and was nominated for a news and documentary Emmy for his role in NBC’s coverage of 9/11.

He has authored four books on Wall Street and is a highly regarded lecturer on domestic and global economics, financial markets and economic policy issues.

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Keynote Topics

Navigating the post-Coronavirus world will continue to be a whiplash-inducing experience. The new technologies and medical breakthroughs that are coming will make things even more challenging. 5G, AI, robotics, machine learning, regenerative medicine, and more are all racing towards us.


Soon, mountains of data will come more forcefully than ever, changing even further what is possible in business. The biggest change of all is how quickly new technologies become ubiquitous.


Ron looks at the most impactful new technologies and the impact they’ll have. They include experts who are already working on creating human organs from stem cells printed on 3-D printers…and researchers working to stop the aging clock altogether.


Experts believe that among millennials, the first person to live to 150 has already been born. Are we ready for that future?

The U.S. economy’s longest expansion was stopped dead in its tracks by the Coronavirus pandemic – a shock that proved to be a wake-up call, not just to America, but to the whole world. What happens as we emerge on the other side of this crisis?


New habits, sensibilities, and technologies will likely radically alter how we live and work for years, if not decades, to come. That doesn’t mean the U.S. won’t ultimately recover.


In fact, with the proper policies and incentives, the economy of the next 50 years could be, quite conceivably, far stronger than the economy of the last 50 years.


The question becomes to what kind of world do we want to return – and is government and the private sector providing leadership to take us into that future? Ron Insana looks at how the future is unfolding and the economic implications for you, your business, and your industry.


Whiplash may be the best way to characterize how it feels to try and navigate this economic landscape. With accelerating change and disruption everywhere, every day can feel like uncharted territory for business leaders.


It’s made worse because the old models of predicting where the economy is headed aren’t as reliable as they once were. Amid such uncertainty, Ron Insana leans on more than three decades of covering business and economic news to connect the dots to paint a picture of the economic future for business.


This is a powerful look at the U.S. and global economies and the political, social, technological, and market forces that are driving them.

2020 Vision: The Consequences of the Presidential Election
The upcoming presidential election is a sharp contrast in economic visions. What are the choices being offered? What are the economic consequences of each – for Main Street – for Wall Street? Ron Insana unpacks the candidates’ agendas and works to separate campaign rhetoric from reality; suggesting what might actually be politically achievable in the next presidential term in a non-partisan presentation. What goes on in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington – it impacts the business environment like never before. What will 2020 mean for you, your business, your industry, and your investments? Those are the questions Ron Insana answers in this presentation.


The Message of the Markets: What Are They Saying About the Future?
How can you protect what you have and find new opportunities in this uncertain investment climate? Ron Insana weighs in on stocks, bonds, interest rates, cryptocurrencies, real estate, and more with smart strategies for dealing with a complex global economy and a U.S. economic expansion that some feel is long in the tooth and others say still has plenty of room to grow. How can you effectively chart a course and minimize risk while still growing your investments? It’s a tricky question and Ron Insana offers solid answers with up-to-the-minute statistics to back up his observations. In an economic environment where dramatic change can occur in an instant, Ron Insana arms audiences with sound advice they can use to protect their economic future.


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