Dr. Alan Beaulieu | #1 Economic Forecaster

  • Concord, New Hampshire, United States
  • Fees: 20,000 - 35,000
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With a reputation as an accurate, straightforward economist, Dr. Alan Beaulieu has been delivering award-winning workshops and economic analysis seminars in countries across the world to thousands of business owners and executives for the last 25 years.

He is co-author of Prosperity in the Age of Decline, a powerful look at how to make the most of the US and global trends over the next 20 years.

Dr. Alan Beaulieu also co-authored Make Your Move, a practical and insightful guide on increasing profits through business cycle changes, and noted by one reviewer as “simple, yet awesome.”

Dr. Alan Beaulieu | Economic Forecaster

He has also penned numerous articles and makes up to 90 appearances a year. Alan’s keynotes and seminars have helped thousands of business owners and executives capitalize on emerging trends.

Dr. Alan Beaulieu is President and a principal of ITR Economics. Since 1990, he has consulted across North America, Europe, and Asia, applying his mastery of business cycle trend analysis to help companies improve their forecasting and planning to increase profits.

Alan also serves as Senior Economic Advisor to numerous US and international trade associations.

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Keynote Topics

(U.S. and /or abroad)
How those forecasts impact your company

What impact does each type of administration have on the economy?

The last two years have provided for many headlines, but did those headlines help or hinder the economy? Did they change the forecast for GDP and what businesses and individuals must do to maximize profits and wealth creation? We will look at this as a way of gauging what we can expect in 2024



Presidential politics are fascinating and we will be exploring the likely impact, if any, on the near-term economy and what those politics will do to our forecast and to your world. There will undoubtably be a lot of talk and a lot of concern on both sides of the aisle. Our job will be to determine the best course of action for the most important part of the economy – you and your business.

  • Is the economy going to grow?
  • What about inflation?
  • How will the U.S. be affected by corporate production facilities being moved overseas?
  • Does the stock market give us a true reading of the economy?
  • What leading economic indicators should we be watching for?
  • See the future first before your competition does!


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