Andrew Busch | #1 Economic futurist

  • Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
  • Fees: On Request
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Andrew Busch is the former 1st Chief Market Intelligence Officer for the US government and economic futurist. For the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), he was charged with improving and enhancing the government’s understanding of the markets and the economy.

His job was to take all the news, information and data on the economy and markets; and filter it into condensed, easily understood research; then communicate it to the government and public.

Andy provided economic and market briefings to White House, US House, US Senate, the SEC, the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury staff on a wide range of issues including interest rates, inflation, China’s influence on trade, and the impact of technology on the economy.

Andrew Busch | #1 Economic futurist

With a perspective few can match, Economic Futurist, Andrew Busch does the seemingly impossible – delivers hard-hitting, actionable insight into the economic super-trends driving the chaos of today with a fun and humorous style that keeps audiences fully engaged.

War, labor supply, supply chain, artificial intelligence, inflation, government policy, elections, climate change, AEVs, Space – Andy covers all, helping audiences understand all the factors driving the future economy and growth opportunities.

Discover how collaborating with Andy can help your organization move from the chaos of today, to confidence in the future.

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Keynote Topics

The world is going to see more economic change in the next 5 years than we have seen in the last 100 years. Just as the US was getting over the worst of COVID, Russia invaded and China shutdown ports due to COVID.


War in the Ukraine, inflation soaring, interest rates spiking, exponential advances in artificial intelligence, supply chains crashing are all examples of the speed of change.


But how did we get here? More importantly, where do we go from here?


As a futurist and economist, Andy dives deep into exploring how innovation, policy changes and societal shifts (war) drive opportunities for clients. He provides context by doing a “where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going” for the economy.


He takes the trends super charged by COVID & war, then applies them to your industry via a case study to show where money is flowing, and opportunities are growing.


Audience Takeaways:


  • Update on the war, supply chains and the economy (inflation/interest rates/govt. spending)
  • Key trends supercharged by the virus and war including chips, synthetic biology & AI (ChatGPT)
  • Case study on your industry’s opportunities for growth

In this compelling and visionary keynote, Andy dives deep into the far-reaching effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on economic growth, job creation, and politics, unraveling the complex interplay between these crucial domains. Embark with the former 1st Chief Market Intelligence Officer for the US govt. on a fascinating journey uncovering the potential of AI to redefine the global landscape, and learning how to adapt and thrive in this new era of unprecedented change.


Andrew Busch is known for his ability to simplify complex topics, uncover hidden trends, and spark lively discussions. With his signature blend of enthusiasm, wit, and insight, he’s about to shed light on the most significant technological advancement of our time – Artificial Intelligence.

Audience Takeaways:

  • The AI Economy Unleashed: Gain a comprehensive understanding of
    how AI is driving economic growth, spurring innovation, and catalyzing
    new business models across diverse industries.
  • The Workforce Reimagined: Explore the dynamic relationship between
    AI and job creation, and learn how to foster a resilient workforce
    capable of navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities of
    an AI-driven world.
  • The Political Paradigm Shift: Examine the transformative impact of AI
    on politics, as it reshapes power structures, policy-making, and the
    very nature of democracy.

Uncover the role of AI in addressing economic
disparities and promoting inclusive growth, and learn how to develop
and implement strategies that ensure no one is left behind.

The Road Ahead: Gain actionable insights and practical guidance on
preparing for the AI-driven future, embracing the opportunities it
presents, and overcoming the challenges it poses, both individually
and collectively.

This groundbreaking speaking topic is an absolute must for anyone looking
to stay ahead of the curve in today’s rapidly evolving world. So, buckle up
and prepare for a mind-blowing journey with Andrew Busch at the helm!


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